Wednesday 22 February 2012

re-building Christchurch

link above to interview with Di Lucas regarding the Peterborough Village workshop - 

key issues / questions
- we need to understand the composition of ground conditions more comprehensively
- we need to take geo tech seriously (and invest in the tests necessary to reveal this critical information)
- we need to think innovatively / creatively about foundation solutions for soft mixed soils 
- lighter buildings are safer in earthquakes, so how could we achieve lighter buildings?
- how can we make earthquake responsive buildings affordable?

key findings / suggestions
- could we re-level buildings after a quake, could this become a new way to build
- prefabrication offers quick response, high quality, affordable solutions
- new timber technologies such as LvL and CLT can provide robust earthquake buildings
- new kinds of land remediation are available
- new kinds of foundation systems are available including hollow timber rounds. 

click-raft addresses all of these issues, since it starts with these critical givens without the baggage of traditional construction, and instead focus' directly on issues of affordability, strength, lightness, speed of assembly, flexibility and adaptability

the challenge is to bring click-raft technology to a broader audience and acceptance. Of course new technologies and solutions such as click-raft or re-levelable buildings that perform differently will look different. So are we open to these strange new solutions? Are we ready for things to look different? Are we ready to build differently?

Perhaps we should be asking a different kind of question - can we afford not to ?

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